Google Calendar automatically avoids schedule conflicts.In the window that appears, click Appointment schedule Create a new appointment schedule or Add availability to an existing schedule. To create an appointment schedule, you can also click any time on your calendar that doesn't already have an event scheduled.
After you edit your appointment schedule, click Save.Learn how to edit your appointment schedule. Optional: You can change your photo, set where the meeting takes place, and more.By default, someone can book an appointment with you anywhere from 12 hours to 60 days in advance.To set how far in advance appointments can be booked, next to “Scheduling window,” click the Down arrow.You can set up a one-time appointment or a recurring schedule.Set the date and time of your appointments.Appointments must be at least 15 minutes long.To set a custom duration, next to “30 minutes,” click the Down arrow.The title appears on your calendar for schedules and bookings.The title is visible to anyone who has the link to your booking page.